I am proud to report that Carson has been in "undywares" for a whole week with no accidents! The first official whole day of wearing underwear outside of the comforts of our home was Sunday which meant a three hour block of church...what was I thinking! I was nervous but Carson did great and was accident free and it's a good thing too because we would have left early because I did not bring an extra pair of clothes for him, I guess I was thinking positivly.
The rest is pretty much smooth sailing. I would take him every hour and if he needed to go in between he would/does say "potty....hurry, hurry!" and off we run!
One day after he was done doing his 'thang I looked at him and said, "Carson I am so proud of YOU!" without hesitation he pointed his finger at me and said, "No momma, I am proud of YOU!" It really was hilarious and a cute moment for me.