This time around, the pregnancy has flown by unlike with Carson where it seemed to drag on...probably because back then we were boring and had nothing else to consume our time with. We have decided in a name (it's about time) and just in time for our baby shower which is this Saturday! I am really looking forward to a girls afternoon with most of my favorite people and some good food...I really can't wait!

While Andrew was taking my picture Carson was feeling a little left out so here he is and then he also loves to take pictures whenever we let him have his hands on the camera so he got one of us right before I changed into something a little more cozy just like my boys.
While Andrew was taking my picture Carson was feeling a little left out so here he is and then he also loves to take pictures whenever we let him have his hands on the camera so he got one of us right before I changed into something a little more cozy just like my boys.