Carson and I got an early start working on Valentine's for our family and friends. This is the first time in six years that I have attempted to make sugar cookies. My first experience making sugar cookies as a newlywed left me feeling inadequate. It was our first Valentine's and in the trying to be in the spirit of the holiday I tried to make sugar cookies but they did not turn out-I'm not sure if I had a bad recipe or if I was having an off day but in the middle of my failure, the bishop's wife from next door came over with a plate of perfect sugar cookies that left much to be desired of mine. So, after seeing this post from a local cookie connoisseur with a recipe for no-fail sugar cookies I decided to try making them...with my little helper!
We had a great time!
He is my goof-ball and I love him. The picture below I normally would never post because my face looks huge but I thought it was such a cute picture of Carson plus I only have two weeks left so my round face is expected.