Carson has so far been a dream sibling. In his words, "I love my baby sister." He is constantly oohing and aahing over her. When she opens her eyes he literally squeals in delight. With all of this rain we have been cooped up inside so the other day we stayed in our pj's and after playing with what seemed like every toy imaginable we broke out the Halloween costumes something that I am considering doing more often
When the rain cleared we went to the park and of course after seeing Caitlin in the Bjorn, he too wanted to use it, so he went around for awhile like a kangaroo with "his baby" in tow.
Carson, Cait is one lucky girl to have a brother as nice as you.
Sunday morning I was sitting on our couch reading the Ensign when I heard a thought THUD! I look up the see feathers floating through the air. Curiosity made me get up and look outside and I found a dead bird on our ottoman.
Now, I now that I have the reputation for keeping a clean house but in my defense the window was not clean so I am not sure what the bird was thinking when he/she flew into it. I wonder if it was trying to commit suicide or if our home is truly that inviting. The other thing I thought of was last seasons Bachelor when (I don't recall her name) at her home town date they buried the pigeon...weird. No burial here, ours went straight into the trash.
My friend Leslie gave us a gift certificate for a newborn photo shoot as a baby shower gift and we had Caitlin's pictures taken this weekend. All the pictures won't be available for 2-3 weeks but she did post a couple sneak peaks here. I LOVE them!