Last week was crazy busy but fortunately busy doing fun things! Wednesday we headed for Six Flags. The last time we went was two years ago so Carson obviously didn't remember. He wasn't too keene on the rides but eventually found a few he enjoyed...they were the super slow ones.
Casron has started a scardy cat phase so rides weren't his favorite until you made him go and then he loved it. He was entertained however by the shows; I think we hit almost all of them {Whale, Bird, Tiger}.
Carson really liked all the birds and took these pictures.
Our {my} favorite is always Shouka the Whale but I was feeding Cait during the show so I have no pictures of it.
We always enjoy the butterfly pavilion and hoped that a butterfly would land on us-they didn't. Carson loved the poi pond.
Cait couldn't have been a better baby and for that I was grateful.
I was glad to have gone with a group because if not we wouldn't have been able to go on any rides.
Andrew and I went to Six Flags when we were dating so to go back years later but with our family is pretty cool.
Then 2002 and Now 2010.

The quality isn't the best on the old pic because I had to scan it!
Looking at these pictures makes me think of how far we've come and makes me look forward to the future to see what it has in store for us. I love my family.
Straight from Six Flags we drove to San Fran, stay tuned for our adventure in the city.