Saturday, July 2, 2011


This land is my land, this land is your land...the 4th of July is this weekend and to honor our country, instead of just enjoying this holiday as usual, we decided that we should do something to show our appreciation for the land we live in. We kept it simple today by picking up trash along a trail that we walk often on the way to the park!

We had done this before but having it near the 4th made is seem like it was for a purpose! It was a good lesson for the kids on taking care of the Earth that Jesus created for us and helped to reinforce what we do with our garbage when we're done with it!

My helpers were great and despite the heat, we completed our job with only one "I'm tired" complaint which was followed by, "me too!"

We did it!

Friday, July 1, 2011


There is something to me about bubbles that is nostalgic about childhood. Like a typical boy, Carson loves guns. He usually gets a bubble gun each summer whose life is short lived because they end up breaking and I vow to never buy one again...this one was a birthday present and is holding up well. He's happy, Caitlin is entertained and I think it's always nice when I don't have to lose my breath blowing bubbles! Yeah for {bubble} GUNS!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What summer's are made for

A couple weeks ago, late in the afternoon Andrew caught us all reading! The kids were being good so I slipped into the other room to finish The Glass Castle which I would highly recommend. I love books and I am so glad that my kids do too! We head to the library once a week and come home with a back breaking back of books that I have to make sure I keep track of!

I love my bookworms!