Friday, July 18, 2008

Returning with Honor

Andrew's brother Alex has been serving a mission in Boise, Idaho for the past two years. As a result, Carson had never met his Uncle and obviously he had never met Carson.
Alex scoping out what he has missed the last year.
We have all been anticipating this meeting for awhile.
We are so glad to have Alex back and we will be sad when he leaves us again to go back to school in the Fall but I am sure by then he will be ready for a change.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mug Shot

I was due for a hair cut and I rarely plan this type pf thing, I just call the day when I have time and go within the hour. I tell the lady that I want a trim up to my shoulders and that she could layer it because I was loosing my curl and I straighten my hair frequently. So, I am sitting there getting to know her pretty well and I she started cutting in the back and I can't see but it is getting shorter and shorter. When she was done she hands me a mirror and has me look at the back.

I was nice, but I guess she could tell form the look on my face that I was pretty shocked and not that happy. Keep in mind that the front is still past my shoulders. She immediately starts straightening it, which helped because straight hair is much longer than curls. But then she acted like she was all done and I asked her, "um, are you going to leave the front long like this?" She says something and then I showed her how I would like the front (but I am not the one that went to school for this.

I didn't cry like I did last time someone butchered my hair but I learned a valuable lesson,

1. when you ask for what you want never say, "or whatever you think would work for my hair"
2. wait for your regular hair lady.

When I was done and paying, this girl who was waiting starts gushing about how much she liked my hair and how she had a hair cut last time that looked just like it. Normally, I would be flattered but her hair looked like a rats nest....because that's the look I was going for.