Sunday, November 21, 2010

9 months

Caitlin is 9 months going on 12...most people think that she is older because she is so daring and fearless and is climbing up on everything! She is happy and quite dramatic but I hear that's just girls in general!

Take these pictures for example, do you sense a theme?

Caitlin is not interested in toys unless she can stand up on them, but she does like paper and will shove it into her mouth as fast as lightning. She only crawls as a means to get to somewhere where she can pull herself up to standing. As a result, I call her crazy all day long and she has had a couple bruises already (mostly from the above fireplace) on her forehead. Andrew says that at this rate she'll have stitches before her 1st birthday-let's hope he's wrong!

Cait likes to feed herself. Her favorites right now happen to be cheerios, bananas and pizza crust. She also seems to favor blackberry applesauce which has a little kick to it, just like her!
As much as she likes to eat, she detests having her face cleaned after.

She still likes the blanket right by her face to sleep and thoroughly enjoys splashing in the tub.
I love the way she smiles with her eyes and enjoy hearing her babble.

We call her crazy yet we are all crazy about her! Can you blame us?!