Friday, November 7, 2008

8 is great!

Kristin, this is for YOU!
8 TV shows I love to watch:
1. Prison Break
2. The Office-hilarious is you have never tuned in
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. American Idol
5. Bachelor / Bachelorette-
6. Grey's Anatomy -but lately the whole relationship part I don't approve of, thank goodness for Tivo and the ability to fast forward. Might be crossing this one off of my list very soon.
7. Flip that House

8 Things that Happened to me Yesterday:
1. Drove to the hospital at 5:15
2. Fed my old man breakfast and gave him a bed bath
3. Got hit on all day...he was 86 year old, incontinent man with a broken hip.
4. Went to lunch for clinical conference but the lunch thing wasn't planned and I had already eaten-bummer.
5. 3:00 came home!!
6. Went to Costco and Wally World
7. Made dinner
8. Finished paperwork and studied

8 Favorite Places to Eat:
1. BJ's
2. Costa Vida
2. In and Out Burger
3. Pasta Pomodoro
4. P.F. Changs
5. The Cheesecake Factory
6. Macaroni Grill
7. BJs
8. Sushi places

8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Veterans day
2. A Date
3. Holiday Enrichment
4. Thanksgiving break
5. Decking the Halls
6. Christmas break
7. getting a laptop for school
8. Summer

8 Things on my wish list:
1. A tropical getaway
2. Learn to let go and be more patient
3. Graduation to be tomorrow
4. A treadmill or elliptical machine
6. new bedroom furniture
7. a massage
8. finishing touch furniture for our house

8 People I Tag:
1. Alexis
2. Reiko
3. Leslie
4. Liz
5. Lisa
6. Kirsten
7. Catherine
8. Brittany

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This morning, I went in to get Carson to find him looking like this

Red pen looks sooo good on you, it is just your color.

When I laid him down last night he didn't make a peep, not even a whimper and during the night, or most likely, right after we laid him down, he drew all over his face and neck with a very sharp, non-washable pen. By the look on his face, he didn't know what had happened.

Besides sneaking pens into bed with him, he has been into more mischief. Last night, we finally celebrated Andrew's birthday (yes I am the worst wife ever...eight days late), but I did make it happen. A celebration is better late than never-right?! Anyways, we went out to eat and after we got our leftovers boxed we were getting ready to leave and just socializing-imagine that! During dinner, Carson was such a big boy by sitting in a booster seat (when he wasn't throwing his books, toys, wipes and food onto the floor and somehow managing to get ketchup on my coat, shoulder and chest). While patiently waiting to go home (to go to bed and almost poke out both of his eye) Carson bite into the leftover box, not just once but five times!

See the damage? I am going to start calling him a rodent instead of our love bug if he isn't careful.

Carson keeps us on our toes but we love him and wouldn't trade him for anything.