Thursday, June 16, 2011


Carson had his very first dentist appointment today with Uncle Dave.

We had been preparing him by letting him know that he got to go after his birthday. So when we pulled into the parking lot he said, "look at all the cars, all of these people had their birthdays too!" He really thought that everyone who had had a birthday recently was at the dentist. Too cute!

See his big boy teeth growing?

He was a little shy and did great! It was extra special because Chelsea was working today so she got to clean his teeth.

She asked him how many teeth he had on top and without hesitation counted to 10. He was right! I was so surprised! Chelsea thought I had couched him but we hadn't talked about it at all! I mean he have a Dr. Seuss tooth book but I'm pretty sure it only talks about having 16 grown up teeth on top and bottom. He is one smart kid!

When we left he said that he really liked the dentist and he wasted no time asking me to show Dad the picture of his his big boy teeth growing.

He is getting so big!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


With strange un-seasonally cold weather the kids are soaking up being outdoors and in water. You would never have guessed that we had actually just come home from swimming...they just can't get enough!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sheeps! Goats!

In our area the sheep and goats are used for weed control and are constantly moved from one field to the next. The other day I passed them on a run and decided that to take the kids to see them later that morning.

The fencing that they have up to keep the sheeps contained is electrically charged so I warned the kids not to touch it. Carson was such a sensitive boy and was warning Caitlin the whole time about the fence even when she was a safe distance from it. He even shed a few tears thinking that she might get hurt. He is the BEST big brother!

It is always fun to see animals and I love life in Lincoln! It is so beautiful!