Sunday, November 20, 2011

Scripture Power!

We have been reading scriptures with Carson every night and last month for his reward he wanted donuts and with Krispie Kreme re-opening it was a special treat especially because I don't buy donuts or haven't for almost 10 years. He loves charts and after he reads he gets to color a shape (last month was leaves, this month hearts)...he NEVER forgets to color them it's kind of cute!

Those of you who know Carson will appreciate the fact that after taking a few bites, being encouraged to eat more, he declared he was done...and this was what was left! He has so much self control!

I have loved hearing him recount the stories from the scriptures! We use the kid version with pictures and we've made it through the Book of Mormon and D&C and are getting towards the end of the old Testament! Just finished reading about David and Goliath and that is now his favorite scripture story. No greater reward than fostering a love of the scriptures when they're young!

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